Brent Irish Advisory Service (BIAS) warmly welcomed the Ambassador of Ireland to Great Britain Dan Mulhall and First Secretary Ruaidhri Dowling to their Thursday Tea Dance this week. The club for over 55’s happens every Thursday from 1pm – 4pm at The Trades Hall, 134-136 Cricklewood Lane, NW2 2DP.
This weekly event includes a live Irish band, dancing, bingo, raffles and refreshments for a small £5 entrance fee. BIAS director Mike McGing explains “People always leave with a smile on their faces. The social interaction and health benefits of listening to an Irish band, dancing, chatting to friends and connecting with their community is amazing” He extended BIAS’s thanks to the Irish Ambassador for visiting, BIAS’s service users, volunteers and staff who make the group so special. He also thanked local Irish businesses that sponsor and donate to the charity. He especially thanked the Irish Government Emigrant Support Programme who are BIAS’s primary funder, also funding their Welfare Advice and Information Service which makes up the majority of the charity’s work.
BIAS provides two weekly welfare drop-in services on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 9.30am – 12.30pm at their office located at 379-381 High Road, Willesden, London NW10 2JR. The service provides advice and casework to Irish people who find themselves in difficulty, providing assistance with welfare benefits, housing, homelessness and to older people who wish to return to Ireland. To enquire further about BIAS’s work further please call them on 02084596655 or visit their website